
Date: 11th January 2024

The Hikuwai Conservation Area is a DOC reserve adjacent to the upper Clutha/Mata-au River, extending up over the river terraces towards Little Mt Iron and downstream to Albert Town. The vast majority of the conservation area is forested in regenerating kanuka woodland. A trap network of BT 200’s and Flipping Timmy possum traps was installed here in October 2023 following the Hikuwai Loop Track on an 8km circular route.

We hope that removing predators in this area will reduce the number of predators moving from here into the adjacent urban areas of Northlake, Hidden Hills, Little Mt Iron and Albert Town. Native bird species seen here include kingfisher/kōtare, falcon/kārearea, grey warbler/riroriro, tomtit/miromiro and brown creeper/pīpipi. Thanks to the support of Southern Lakes Sanctuary for providing the traps and staff time. Thanks also to volunteers, led by Gerad, who helped set up this trap network and will continue to maintain it.

Trapline Coordinator: Gerad McArthur

Posted in: Trapping Groups